Hi, I'm
I code here
I’m a self taught explorer at the intersection of fluid art, design, and technology. I’ve been doing this for 20 years, so I’ve learnt a thing or two, or twenty.
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The Code Repository

NeatLabs, University of California, San Diego
Welcome to BrainE, where we turn brain training into an adventure, blending fun with cognitive enhancement across every age. In my seven-year quest with BrainE, I've collaborated with brilliant minds to revolutionize how we approach brain research and mental fitness, saving development resources to the tune of 300k a year, pushing the envelope of scientific research. It's a space where science meets imagination, proving that learning and play can go hand in hand.
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GE Sports
Enter Gega, the digital haven for India's gaming aficionados, designed to be the heart of the gaming community. Here, every interaction is an opportunity for camaraderie and competition, forging a vibrant ecosystem for gamers to share, strategize, and grow. Gega is more than a platform; it's a vibrant community-led movement celebrating gaming's power to unite and inspire.
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Machine Learning Specialization
Machine Learning Specialization
Coursera/Stanford Certification
Embark on a thrilling odyssey into the core of Machine Learning, where data weaves tales and algorithms unlock mysteries. With the arsenal of NumPy, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow at our disposal, we conquer the realms of prediction, classification, and beyond. This journey is our gateway to deciphering the codes of the future, where every challenge is an invitation to innovate.
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Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
Coursera/DeepLearning.ai Certification
Step into the future with AI in Medicine, where technology extends its hand to heal. From unveiling the hidden messages within medical imagery to predicting health outcomes with unprecedented accuracy, AI serves as a beacon of hope and innovation. This domain is a testament to the transformative power of AI, blending the art of medicine with the precision of technology.
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Generative AI using LLMs
Generative AI using LLMs
Coursera/DeepLearning.ai Certification
Discover the magic of Generative AI, a realm where creation meets computation. This journey is not just about understanding; it's about applying, innovating, and transforming the world around us. As we navigate through the latest breakthroughs and applications, we're not just observers; we're pioneers shaping the future, armed with the brilliance of Generative AI.
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Portfolio (this) site
Portfolio (this) site
This sanctuary is more than a portfolio; it's the essence of my creative journey—a confluence where every project is a chapter of discovery, blending tested truths with the thrill of exploration. Here, the remnants of my imagination that couldn't find their place in professional endeavors come alive. It's a playground where foundations are both honored and questioned, inviting you to dive into an eclectic collection that celebrates the courage to experiment, the resilience to embrace challenges, and the freedom to learn from both triumphs and failures.
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Grab a Coffee and Chat
Grab a Coffee and Chat
First things first, let’s talk! You tell me all about your big idea, and I’ll be all ears. We’ll chat about what you want to achieve, the nitty-gritty details, and any hurdles we might have to jump over.
Plan of Attack
Plan of Attack
Once we’ve had our chat, I’ll put together a game plan. You'll get a clear-cut proposal from me – it’s like a roadmap showing where we’re headed, how long it’ll take, and what it’s going to cost. Once you give it the thumbs up, we're good to go!
Getting Down to Business
Getting Down to Business
This is where I roll up my sleeves and get to work. With my trusty keyboard and over 20 years of coding under my belt, I’ll start turning your idea into reality. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you in the loop with regular updates so we stay on the same page.
Now, let’s make sure everything's spot on. This stage is all about testing and tweaking, making sure every little detail is perfect. Your input here is super important – after all, it's your vision we're bringing to life!
Blast Off
Blast Off
Time to show off your project to the world! Once we've buffed and shined everything, we hit the launch button. But hey, I’m still here for you even after we go live. Think of me as your go-to for any support or upkeep you need.
Checking In
Checking In
I’m not just hitting the road once we’re done. I like to check in with you to make sure everything’s running smoothly. And if you’re thinking about round two or a new project, I’m all ears!

Questions? Answers.

Do you make apps or websites or what?
Do you make apps or websites or what?
Both, actually! I'm like a Swiss Army knife in the digital world – handling everything from website design to app development. You name it: front-end, middleware, back-end, I’ve got it covered. It’s kind of my thing to juggle all these pieces and make them fit perfectly.
Are you more of a designer or a developer?
Are you more of a designer or a developer?
Well, I’m a bit of both. I start from scratch on the design side of things and then bring it all to life with my coding skills. I mostly use NextJS and TailWind, keeping it fresh and custom for each client. It’s like being an architect and a builder at the same time!
So, how much am I gonna fork out for a website or an app?
So, how much am I gonna fork out for a website or an app?
That's like asking, 'How much does a road trip cost?' It's all over the place, right? Depends on where you're headed, how long you’re staying, and whether you're camping out or going five-star. Same deal with websites and apps. Tell me what you're dreaming up, your budget, and I'll break it down for you – no surprises, promise!
How long before my site or app goes live?
How long before my site or app goes live?
Think of it like planning a big event. A small, cozy gathering? Maybe 2 months top. But if we’re talking a big bash, that's more like 3-4 months of prep. It's all about nailing those details and making sure everything's just right.
You handle big projects too?
You handle big projects too?
Oh, for sure! I run this cool remote agency, but I'm also in this global network of top-notch design and dev wizards. So, whether it's a solo mission or a big league project, I’ve got the right crew for the job.
How’d you get so good at all this stuff?
How’d you get so good at all this stuff?
It's been a wild ride! I'm pretty much self-taught. There’s something about tackling a problem and figuring it out that just gets me going. And with all this new AI tech popping up, it's like there's never a dull moment. Keeps me on my toes and always learning something new.


If you like burritos (or brilliant coding), drop me a line! Let's chat about how my skills can align with your vision. Whether it's for a groundbreaking project or just to share tech insights over a virtual coffee, I'm here to connect.